Hilary Duff schools trolls complaining about her kissing 4 year-old son on lips

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Hilary Duff posted a sweet pic to Instagram, above, of her kissing her four year-old son, Luca, at Disneyland in front of the Small World ride. It was a nice moment, one I’ve had with my own son many times, captured on film. Only Hilary posted it to the Internet, where it’s open season on just about everything. People made stupid comments because that’s what they do. Hilary then posted a follow-up Instagram telling them to mind their business basically. You can see the obnoxious comments on Huffpo if you’re interested, I’m not going to give them any space.

My son isn’t even a teen yet and he’s taller than me. It’s such a cliche to say it goes so fast but it really does. If there’s one thing I won’t regret about parenting, it’s kissing my kid on the lips. (I’m lucky if he lets me kiss his head now, but that’s another story.) That’s totally normal in my family and I still kiss my mom and dad on the lips. I get that it’s not for everyone, but there’s nothing wrong with it and in some cultures it’s common. Besides, half the people commenting rudely are probably only just out of short pants themselves. Hilary didn’t have to respond to this at all, the other commenters would have taken care of it for her, but she also knows how the press works and she wisely took advantage of this opportunity. I’ll give her this one.

Also, today is the anniversary of Newtown. Our kids are precious to us, they are everything, and just imagining what any parent who has lost a child has gone through makes my heart sink. Love your kids today and every day. Love all kids, nice people and pets. Let’s have a group hug.

How cute is this picture?!! I want to go to Disneyland now.



Thanks to Huffpo for the idea for this story. Photos credit: FameFlynet and Instagram/Hilary Duff
