Scarlett Johansson wasnt into Justin Timberlake

Publish date: 2024-05-13

Scarlett Johansson is said to have gotten Justin Timberlake’s hopes up after he dumped albatross Cameron Diaz and thought he scored a real actress. She was seen flirting with him at the Alpha Dog after party and people said they were a new item. Justin is said to have hired Scarlett to appear in an upcoming video in order to get closer to her.

She was toying with him, though, according to sources who say she’s not ready for a commitment with the arrogant singer turned actor. He was said to be too clingy and needy for her, so she got the hell away from him:

The hunky “Sexy Back” singer, who’s 25, rushed into 22-year-old Scarlett’s arms after his split with Cameron Diaz – only to discover the big-screen bombshell “just wasn’t that into him,” sources say.

“Scarlett loves male attention, but there’s no way she’s ready to settle down at her age,” a pal told The Enquirer.

“Justin was crazy about her, but Scarlett? Not so much.

“She said she was more than happy to share a fling with Justin, but then he got all clingy and wanted a commitment. That’s when Scarlett backed off…”

“She let Justin down easy, but she made it clear that she’s not looking for anything heavy. The bottom line is Scarlet just wasn’t that into him.”

[From The National Enquirer print edition, January 29, 2007]

I kind of love that the tables were turned in this relationship and that the woman was the one who wasn’t into the guy. When it’s Justin Timberlake that’s getting the brush off, it’s all the better. Maybe there’s another snotty actress he can publically humiliate. Britney is said to be out of the question, but Lohan only has a couple of crotch slips to her credit and she’s going to be sober soon.

Justin’s ex, Cameron Diaz, is rebounding in style with hot surfer Kelly Slater. Kelly’s a guy, unfortunately, or this story would be more interesting.

Scarlett’s ex, Josh Hartnett, is said to be romancing drunken Brit Sienna Miller. Yeah, I know.

Header picture of Scarlet as a harlot performing with the Pussycat Dolls is from The Superficial. It looks like she’s giving Justin the kiss off, doesn’t it?
