Shangela on her role in A Star is Born: it wasnt a punchline, it felt authentic

Publish date: 2024-05-14

A Star is Born UK Premiere

Back when I wrote for another site, I had the chance to talk to a lot of the RuPaul’s Drag Race queens, and one of my favorites was Shangela, a/k/a DJ Pierce. I had the chance to speak with her numerous times, and she hooked me up with Jenifer Lewis, so there’s that. She has found the success she has so rightly deserved, despite losing to Trixie Mattel on All-Stars season three, with her role in A Star is Born.

After appearing (along with a bunch of other Ru queens) in the lyric video for Gaga’s song “Applause,” Gaga wanted Shangela to appear in A Star is Born. Shangela recalled getting the call from Gaga’s people, but didn’t think she was made for the role, that of a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. Shangela cracked to The Daily Beast that “I was like, well, you know, sister, I don’t care how much time I spend out of the sun I’m never going to look like Marilyn Monroe.” When Gaga found out that Shangela didn’t audition, she reached out again. When Shangela got that call, she immediately got a blonde wig, white dress, painted on a beauty mark and sang “I Wanna Be Loved By You.”

Shangela didn’t get the Marilyn role, but she impressed director Bradley Cooper so much that he gave her an expanded role as the owner of the drag bar where Gaga’s character, Ally, performs and meet’s Bradley’s character.

Having been handpicked by Lady Gaga for the role mirrored a past experience in her career. As she put it, “It almost felt like RuPaul bringing me back on another season, where it’s like, OK, this person stood up for me, has invested in me, has spoken for me, I better do a good job.”

From the reviews I’ve seen, Shangela has nothing to worry about. The 36-year-old performer, who has also popped up on Glee, Two Broke Girls and Terriers, said that she was happy with how the LGBTQ characters were portrayed on-screen. She told The Oprah Magazine, “I never felt like the character was someone that wasn’t respected, or that was written in a way that didn’t put the LGBTQ community in a positive light.”

A lot of the credit for the positive representation goes to star/director Bradley Cooper. Shangela told E! News that he was “very focused” and allowed his actors to work with their characters. She said he “was 100% in the know when it came to the LGBT scenes in this film.” In the Daily Beast piece, she noted

“You see some films and drag’s in there and is the punchline. This uber masc straight male character rolls into a drag bar and usually it’s an, ‘Oh is this a man or a woman’ type thing. This was so well written and it felt like an authentic slice of life. Not a punchline.”

Shangela also had loads of praise for Lady Gaga, who she bonded with over their mutual love of drag. She said, “Watching her act, you forget that she is Lady Gaga. She becomes Ally. She lives the art. She’s serious about it, and she wants to be the best actress she can be.” Gaga told her that the best way to stay grounded is to surround yourself with good people.

“She told me, ‘You know what, Shange? Look around this room. I’ve worked with a lot of the people here my entire career. I keep my memories in their eyes. I’ve worked with Ricky, my choreographer, since we first started begging DJs to play my songs and let me on stage. Freddy, my hairstylist, and I have done so many crazy looks. When I look at them, I remember. Those are my memories.”

I’ve been listening to Willam (who also appears in the film) and Alaska’s podcast Race Chasers, and they just started covering season two of the show, when Shangela, who had only been doing drag for eight months, made her debut. She has definitely evolved the most out of any of the queens and I couldn’t be happier for her. And, dammit, I still need to get to the theater to see A Star is Born. Shangela got a lot of press for her participation, and shared this mantra, which I need embroidered on a pillow:

“Even if people don’t crown you, remember, you don’t need to a crown to be a queen. I live my life with my head held high, and that’s what we all have to do—push each other, encourage each other, and never give up.”

You go, Shangela. All I have left to say is Halleloo.

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A Star is Born UK Premiere

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