Yeah, Norman Reedus & Diane Kruger are pretty much officially dating

Publish date: 2024-05-15


2016 was a crappy year for everything celebrity-related. So many great entertainers passed away and so many celebrity couples broke up. Of course, we’re ending the year in a miasma of grief and depression because of Donald Trump, the worst celebrity story of all time. After Johnny Depp and Amber Heard and the Brangelina split, it would be easy to forget that some of us were rather devastated by Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger’s split over the summer. Diane and Joshua had been together a decade and they almost always seemed solid. I still think that Joshua seems like he doesn’t know what to do with himself now that he’s single.

So why did Diane and Joshua break up? Many of us believed it was because of her closeness and possible affair with Norman Reedus. Almost a year ago exactly, the New York papers ran a series of stories about Diane and Norman being seen out together, and looking very, very friendly. Sources said they were flat-out making out and she was, like, grinding on him in a bar or something. Diane and Joshua reunited and seemingly tried to work it out for another six months before eventually splitting. Meanwhile, Diane still seems to have a thing for Norman Reedus. They’ve been seen together in various cities, and an event last night might have been their official “coming out” as a couple.

Last night in Paris, Norman Reedus opened up his photo exhibition at Galerie Hors Champs. He’s also releasing a photography book called The Sun’s Coming Up… Like a Big Bald Head. Diane was there. Granted, she has an apartment in Paris and she’s always lived part of the year in France. But it feels… like they’re just a couple now, full-on. Like, she dumped Joshua FOR Norman after they had an affair. And that makes me think less of her. Why would ANYONE choose Norman over Joshua? I mean, really?




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
