Kim Kardashian to Jon Hamm: Were all working hard & have to respect one another

Publish date: 2024-05-16

Two days ago, Jon Hamm appeared on the Today Show to promote Mad Men with some of his castmates. In the course of the discussion, Matt Lauer asked The Hamm about his recent comments regarding the celebration, promotion and rewarding of “incuriousness” as seen in (Hamm’s words) “f–king idiots” like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. While Paris still hasn’t breathed a word about Jon’s comments, Ol’ Kat-face tried to hitch her ass to Hamm and idiotically call him out for being “careless” in his wording. The Hamm initially responded by basically saying, “Nothing personal or anything, but yeah, that sh-t still stands” (in so many words). Then on Today he went even further by saying:

“I don’t think [my words] were careless. I think they were accurate. It’s a part of our culture that I certainly don’t identify with, and I don’t really understand the appeal of it other than in a sort of car crash sensibility. And it’s not something that I partake in or enjoy, but it is what is and here we are…. There are a lot of channels on the dials and those channels need to be filled up with things… It’s different strokes for different folks.”

[The Hamm being awesome]

So of course Kim Kardashian had to respond. Again. She called into Ryan Seacrest’s radio show yesterday and she basically screamed “UNCLE!”

“I respect Jon and I am a firm believer that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, not everyone takes the same path in life. We’re all working hard and we all have to respect one another. I just feel like, to be honest, it’s all about trying to stay focused and keeping everything positive. It really takes a lot more energy and effort to be harsh than to say something nice and be positive.”

[Kim’s comments via Radar]

Eh. I’m glad she didn’t try to remind us that she’s a successful “writer” and “producer”. Is it wrong that I don’t completely hate what she said? Yes, I’m firmly ensconced on Team Hamm (forever and always), and I love that The Hamm isn’t afraid to engage in a real conversation about mind-numbing trash television and what it says about our (dumb) culture. While I think Kim’s “give everybody a gold star because we’re all part of the same celebrity ecosystem” argument is much too simplistic, I give her some credit for her Zen-like approach here. She’s basically saying “Live and let live, bitches.”

Oh, and Ryan asked Kim is she’s dating Kanye West. She said, “I think I’m still married…I’m really not dating right now at all: I’m really just focusing on work. I know I always say this, but I’m trying to just get through my situation and just have fun.” Sigh… she really is that vapid.

Oh, and I have no idea why these jeans exist. I think I had a pair of these when I was 7 years old. They were a bad idea then, and they’re a bad idea now.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
