Ted Williams, golden voiced homeless guy, detained by police, drinking again

Publish date: 2024-05-16


I’ve read so many stories about the golden-voiced formerly homeless guy Ted Williams lately I don’t know where to start. After the video of Williams and his radio perfect voice went viral last week, it seems like he’s been everywhere. We’ve seen his reunion with his 90 year-old mom, his new commercial for Kraft, and interviews with him on multiple talkshows including The Today Show, The Early Show, The Tonight Show, The Late Show, Good Morning America and Entertainment Tonight. He’s been offered multiple jobs both in Ohio where he was discovered on a streetcorner and with national corporations like the NFL, MTV, ESPN and Oprah’s OWN Network.

After Williams was thrust into the spotlight, The Smoking Gun found that he has a lengthy arrest record, mostly for theft and drug possession. He also has a whopping nine children by different women, which were cared for by the ex he left behind and her family members. His ex wife is legally blind and took responsibility for not only her own children with Williams, but children he fathered with a “druggie girlfriend” while Williams was on the streets.

So this isn’t a clear cut story of a guy who found sobriety, faith and fame when his talent was discovered after a hard knock life on the streets. What’s more is that William isn’t sober, according to one of his daughters. He’s claimed to have been sober for about two years, but his daughter says he’s drinking again, and has consumed at least a bottle of Grey Goose a night, along with multiple beers and wine. Ted’s daughter told her story to Entertainment Tonight after the cops were called due to a loud fight she got in with him at a hotel in LA. Ted and his daughter were detained and released and neither decided to press charges. Ted claims that’s not true, that he’s not drinking, and that his daughter is “selling [him] out” due to his “fame and fortune.”

I saw the video of Ted’s daughter telling the story of their fight on Entertainment Tonight (you can watch it here) and I have to say I believe the daughter. This guy was homeless for nearly 20 years and all of a sudden he’s famous, living in hotels and being courted by the media. It’s a lot of pressure and a huge change and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was drinking again. I hope someone helps him out and is there for him. If he starts drinking and drugging again it’s not going to turn out well for him.

Dr. Phil is offering Ted his sobriety advice, though, and that might help for about 10 minutes. He told him to go to 90 AA meetings in 90 days. (You can watch that video here.)

And here’s a link to video of Ted reuniting with two of his kids, his first born son and his first daughter. He later fought with another daughter. This story is just ready made for the tabloids.

Header image credit: ETOnline
